Construction site in Mallorca

Tips for choosing a Developer in Majorca

Building or renovating a house in Majorca can be a challenging task. Selecting the right developer is crucial to ensure that your construction project runs smoothly and meets your expectations. Here are some valuable tips to consider when choosing a suitable developer in Majorca:

Research and References:

Start your search by finding out more information and asking for references. Search online for property developers in Majorca, read reviews and enquire with people who already have prior experience with construction projects on the island.

Specialization and Expertise:

Verify the expertise of the developer in Majorca. A company specializing in specific types of construction or techniques may better meet your individual requirements. Inquire about completed projects. Sound expertise is crucial to ensure that your construction project is carried out professionally and competently. An experienced company will be able to address the challenges of a construction project and deliver high-quality results.

Developer vs. General Contractor:

In the construction industry in Majorca, there is a distinction between a developer and a general contractor, which is important to make the right choice for your construction project.
A developer is primarily responsible for the physical execution of the construction project. This means that the company carries out the actual construction work, whether it be building a new structure, refurbishment, or other construction tasks. It typically employs architects, civil engineers, craftsmen, and other professionals to complete the necessary work. A developer takes responsibility for site coordination, material procurement, project coordination, and compliance with construction standards.

A general contractor, on the other hand, focuses on the organizational and administrative aspects of the construction project. General contractors offer services aimed at ensuring the construction process runs efficiently and smoothly. These services include project planning, cost control, scheduling, quality assurance, contract management, and coordination of various trades, including the construction company and architects. General contractors can also assist in selecting subcontractors and monitoring construction progress to ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget. The decision on which company is best suited for your construction project depends on specific requirements, project scope, and personal preferences.

License and Insurance:

Ensure that the developer has the necessary licenses and insurance to carry out construction work in Majorca. A valid license ensures that the company complies with local building regulations, while adequate insurance protects you from financial risks in the event of accidents or damages.

Transparency and Communication:

Before committing to a company, arrange personal meetings with the potential developer. This gives you the opportunity to get a firsthand look at the company and its operations. Take this opportunity to become acquainted with the company’s team members, ask questions, and discuss your project requirements. Also, request visits to existing and completed construction projects. Ideally, these projects should be over 10 years old. If you manage to contact the homeowners and receive positive feedback about the developer, even after such a long period, this could provide a solid basis for choosing that developer.

Quality of Materials and Workmanship:

Inquire about the materials used (sampling) and the quality of the developer’s work. High-quality materials and craftsmanship are crucial for the longevity and aesthetics of your construction project.

Customer Care and After-Sales Service:

Also, consider the customer service and after-sales service provided by the developer. A reliable company will address your needs and remain available to you even after the project’s completion to handle any issues or maintenance work.

By considering these tips and carefully selecting a developer in Majorca, you can ensure that your construction project runs smoothly and meets your expectations. Thorough planning and research in advance will pay off in the long run and help you realize your dream home on this beautiful island.